Lelia Mossora




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Escritor, Lector, Educador
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Biografía en pocas palabras
Professor of language and Rumanian and French literature, Lelia Mossora arrived in this world one night in June 26, 1951, June 26, 1951, Hîrlau, close to Cotnari, Iasi.
It is the heiress of the artistic of her father, old talent marine and then professor, whom, in his long voyages in the world, wrote his momoires on pages of a special beauty if sensitivity.
Lelia Mossora began in 1968 in the review “Literary Iasy” (review which bears today the name of “Literary Conversations”) under the council from the Master Horia Zilieru, that time general secretary of drafting of the review about which one already spoke. After the college, it followed the courses of the Faculty of Arts of the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” to Jasy - Romania, section Rumanian language - French language.
Become professor, Mrs Mossora taught in many schools up to 1990, when it had the “privilege” to work at the school of a house of orphans in the department of Iasy. “privilege” which facilitated to him the discovery of the heart of the children in a measurement impossible to reach null another place. “I left there a good portion of myself and these years deeply marked me because there were children knowing to give all theirs in very an other manner that those of the ordinary schools. It is there that I cried for the first time at the festival of Christmas… and it is there that j' felt this cordial touch of the child in his eternal research of the mother…”
Nowadays, Mrs Mossora teaches in another school, not far from the “marvellous old woman school” or she worked during nine years and which, unfortunately, does not exist any more. It spends its time with its pupils, the domestic activities, its writings and the mirage of the Internet, virtual space which offered its friendship to me and the privilege to admire its poetic works!
„I didn’t achieve much in life, but I pride myself in my two wonderful children, in the respect that my former pupils give me when I meet them in the street, and in the numerous poems I have produced”.
Mr George Roca, writer of the review “Agero”, Stuttgart, is not of the same opinion by presenting the worms of the author: ” Do you Think that it is little of thing? Not me! With Lelia Mossora, poet of spirit! ”.
Lelia Mossora published worms in the pages of:
www.romanianvip.com , http://www.agero-stuttgart.de/REVISTA-AGERO/POEZIE/Vrajitorul%20cuv... , http://www.rgnpress.ro/Cultura/Lelia-Mossora-vrajitorul-cuvintelor.... , “Arcad@”, http://reteaualiterara.ning.com/profile/LeliaMossora , http://blog.voxword.com/LELIA/cat/general/, http://militeraturas.ning.com/profile/LeliaMossora

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  • Creatividad Internacional

    Lelia, te damos la bienvenida a este espacio de literatura y cine donde hay múltiples 'foros' y grupos', con un inmenso caudal de información sobre grandes escritores, cineastas y artistas. Y una infinidad de blogs de relevante calidad. Te invitamos a explorarlos, y te sugerimos que le eches una mirada a "Instrucciones", para que te sea más fácil navegar en 'Creatividad Internacional'.

    Saludos, Ismael Lorenzo, Administrador de la Red